NAIL art
I'm always enamored by nail art - but usually not the ornate kind. The simpler the art, the more intrigued I am. Of course, I'm also completely perplexed by nail art - how do people get these perfectly straight lines, or perfectly round dots, on their nails? They can't possibly do it themselves - who has that kind of steady hand, or patience, for that matter? Ain't nobody got time for that.
Alas, below are few options I found perusing Pinterest, that I think even I might be able to do (especially using this DIY, or these nail decals). The squares might be a challenge I'd give to a nail technician, but the others, hey, I think I could potentially do on myself. I really like the use of natural, unpolished nails in some of these options as well - I think it gives a laid-back summer vibe that I care enough do something to my nails, but nothing that took me longer than 20 minutes.
I'm looking forward to trying a simple black or white line (a la top left image, or bottom right image) on my plain nails this week. Love the evil eye art as well (middle image), but that might take some practice - or better yet, nail stickers.