Just like every girl ages 12-80, I adore (and by adore, I mean freaking love) Pinterest. So many ideas, recipes, and inspiration on that site - especially when it comes to fashion. I have a very specific style that I go after - neutral colors, flowy layers, simple cuts, and lots of jewelry - I guess it would be considered somewhat-bohemian. Even when it comes down to my hair - long, blonde/ombre, beach waves - I tend to stick to one style. Below are some of my recent Pinterest fashion loves - everything I like in so many styles! I'm a big fan of Kelly Framel's style - which is essentially refined hippie wear, and Laura from Ascot Friday - who masters the true Anthropologie boho look very well. I'll be posting my "ideal outfit" look soon - with a price guide and everything (!) - so keep your eyes peeled for some good boho buys coming your way. 

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