ART love

So. I'm back.

Slowly heading into a somewhat-normal schedule again. July flew by without a single weekend to myself (not that I'm complaining - it was the best July ever - but I cannot wait to actually spend a full weekend in my apartment getting stuff done), and now early-August is entering mid-August, and I'm ready to get things back in order. Or just in order ("back" is probably not needed here).

I've been on a serious art streak lately (not that I'm ever not on an art streak - I pretty much live it - but you know..) and have been trying to get my desk/creative space and art supplies organized to get back on track with my hand-lettering and watercolor endeavors (more on that later). 

Looking forward to trying out all sorts of mixed media things this month, but here's a look into some of the art I've been admiring lately (general theme: everything)

Note: some of these are from Pinterest and are untitled/anonymous, but here a few links to the ones that are from external sources: kissing couplewoman undressingballoon tomatoespink/yellow mirror art, dripping faces portrait, Pantone art, land art.