WEEKLY inspirations

Another weekend that flew by - just like the entire month of September! I've been busy with going to the shore every weekend this past month to visit my grandparents, but they're heading back to Florida this week, so things will be normal again for a bit on the weekends. Unless of course I find a place in Philly that has a November move-in date, in which case Oct. will be filled with packing and organizing! I've been living with my boyfriend for the past 9 months, but it was only temporary since I hate not being in the city - at least SOME of the time. So the plan is to get a little place in the city to call my own, but still be back and forth to his place so the dogs have the best of both worlds! Spoiled pups will have a nice place in the city that we can take long walks to the park from, but also the big yard in the burbs to run around like crazy in. Now if only I could take them to work with me too ;). Anyway, here's to a great October (my favorite month of the year!)

What I'm digging this/last week (in no particular order):

  • Just a super pretty moon photo I found on Pinterest. :)
  • I'm thinking about doing 6 days of vegetarian food, one day with meat for my new diet. I don't eat much meat to begin with, and lately the idea of eating meat for the past few months has really turned me off. Too many Netflix documentaries for sure.
  • These gorgeous opal rings.
  • Floating shelves are my new jam.
  • That glorious, beautiful, wild hair that I can never have. 
  • A more realistic look for me than the previous - thinking about going darker for winter. 
  • Fluffy sweaters!
  • Totally obsessed with this miso soup - I seriously have it at work at least once a day! It's the perfect snack.
  • Loving the leather backpack trend - though this one is unfortunately way out of my budget, it's so so pretty.
  • Tunics to live in - like this plaid one and this neutral one.